Australia's Best Online Shopping & Price Comparison Site

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But we know you might have a few questions. Read on for details on how our price comparisons help you practically.

PRICEPOND.COM.AU - Online Shopping Australia, Compare prices across all stores

Welcome to PRICEPOND.COM.AU! We compare prices from all online shops in Australia. For each product we list for you all online shops that sell it, their shipping fees and delivery information. Note that at PRICEPOND.COM.AU we do not actually sell any products, you can press on "visit shop" to visit the product page from that online shop and buy the product directly.

Save money by comparing prices

By using PRICEPOND.COM.AU you can make wiser decisions when shopping either online or offline, and save money and time. You will be surprised how much savings you can make by only knowing your choices and comparing prices. Our data shows an average of 30% savings, which can go even higher for some product categories like cameras and laptops.

Get Real deals!

At PRICEPOND.COM.AU we showcase all product deals and offers across Australia directly from partner stores. We verify their promotions and update them 2 times a day. Here we guaranty you with REAL competitive price on every deal.

Online shopping for all stores at once!

PRICEPOND.COM.AU has hundreds of thousands of products for more than 1000 product category pulled from different online shops, so when you are browsing products on PRICEPOND.COM.AU, you are effectively shopping from more than 100 online shops at the same time. To easily find what you are looking for, you can use our advanced filters to narrow your search by product category, brand, price, and other product properties such as color, storage, connectivity, memory, screen size, RAM and many more.

At home or on the go

PRICEPOND.COM.AU is designed to be used on your desktop or mobile. Whether you are browsing online at home or shopping physically at the mall or shop, always make sure to use PRICEPOND.COM.AU to check the price of the product at alternative shops online before you do the purchase.

Always use PRICEPOND.COM.AU before you buy!

PRICEPOND.COM.AU was founded with the vision to boost ecommerce in Australia, by empowering you, the shopper. Please do your researches before you buy? By simply comparing prices, you can save hundreds of dollars especially when it's completely free for shoppers to use, with no charges apply.